We offer a 3 to 10-year warranty on our products
Wallets and key cases:
We are so convinced of our high product quality that we are extending the normal warranty period of 2 years by 1 year to 3 years. Even if you bought our product on Amazon or Ebay.
Of course, we prefer it when you buy our product directly on our website. We therefore reward all customers who have purchased directly from this website with a further 7-year guarantee. So 10 years in total.
To activate the 10-year guarantee for your product, sign up for our newsletter after or before your purchase.
If your wallet or key case is defective due to a quality issue, we will either repair it or send you a new one. Please send us a brief description and clear pictures of the problem to: info@jaimiejacobs.com
We will do our best to process your inquiry within 24 hours.
Watches, backpacks and RFID protection cards :
We are so convinced of our high product quality that we extend the normal warranty period of 2 years by 1 year to 3 years. Even if you bought our product on Amazon or Ebay.
To activate the 3-year warranty for your product, sign up for our newsletter after or before your purchase.
If your watch or rucksack is defective due to a quality issue, we will repair or replace the product. Please send us a brief description and clear pictures of the problem to: info@jaimiejacobs.com
We will do our best to process your inquiry within 24 hours.